Monday, October 30, 2006


Sketched on Paper
Vectors in Freehand
Textures in Photoshop CS

More updates on character designs, all experimenting with using textures. More to come in the pipeline, as I get the hang of it.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Sketched pencil on paper
Vectors in Freehand
Texturized in Photoshop CS

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Itchy Update

Photoshop CS

Friday, October 20, 2006

Itchy Sketchy

Sketching is great, especially if there are no themes to follow and especially fun in the dead of the night. I can't seem to concentrate in the day, what with the distraction from everywhere. A cup of tea to accompany would be nice too......

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tuxedo Lion

Sketched on paper
Vectors in Freehand,
Textured in Photoshop CS

Been dabbling with the idea of textures recently, after seeing how the use of them can create so many possibilities. Whimsical drawings are a good way to start I figured.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Canon Powershot A620

I love cats of all shapes and sizes, be it tabby, tri-coloured, blue, black, calico, fat, skinny, furry, strays or domesticated ones. I really can't resist nor explain the invisible magnetic force that draws me to these aloof and tempermental creatures, which domesticated, tend to cause alot of fuss and irritation erasing all the reasons of why they ever look so appealling in the first place. But nonetheless, I love them all.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Twisstii is honoured to be part of MY FAVOURITE MOLSKINE exhibition in Hong Kong. This is part of the much anticipated media coverage in Milk magazine issue no. 269. Featured are various artists from all over Asia, many whom are virtually newbies in the design scene. The exhibition is still on going, stopping at places like Times Square, Harbour City and New Town Plaza. Do drop by if any of you are lucky enough to be there!