Caught the reading bug recently. After not reading for quite a while, i swept 3 books off the shelves. I'm currently on Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, a novel by Susanna Clarke publised by Bloomsbury. What caught my eye initially was the simple but stylised cover really. This 1000 odd page fantasy novel revolves around magic set in the 18th century when the practices of magic have faded into the past. The character of Mr Norrell then comes into the picture displaying magic that sends an uproar in the city. Sculptures talking, woman rising form the dead, ships are sent to rival the French. Another magician Joanthan Strange appears and his experiments with the dark arts challenges the practices of Mr Norrell causing more trouble than what they both imagine. This being Susanna Clarke's first full length novel, she has a fantastic way with words that grabs the reader into wanting to read the book from start till end but at the same time not wanting it to end as well. It lives up to the reviews and definitely a writer to look out for again.
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