Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Twisstii is honoured to be part of MY FAVOURITE MOLSKINE exhibition in Hong Kong. This is part of the much anticipated media coverage in Milk magazine issue no. 269. Featured are various artists from all over Asia, many whom are virtually newbies in the design scene. The exhibition is still on going, stopping at places like Times Square, Harbour City and New Town Plaza. Do drop by if any of you are lucky enough to be there!


milknpowder said...

fly me there!

kuoli(皞傑) said...

Hi Twissitii,
Today, I buy the Milk magazine and try to find your designs but I can't find them because it is issue #272.
Sometimes, I visit Harbour City, I will try to find the booths.

kuoli(皞傑) said...

Hi Twissitii,
Sorry, I can't find the booth.
I visited the Harbour City last time and I went to the LCX area.
I guess most of the trendy items will display at that area.
Maybe the exhibition is over.
Please inform to me next time if there are any exhibitions displaying your works.